Guest Post: Author Tamara Ellis Smith & Illustrator Nancy Whitesides on Tackling Stories Close to the Heart

Today we welcome author Tamara Ellis Smith and illustrator Nancy Whitesides to Cynsations to discuss the joys and challenges of creating a book that’s close to the heart. Their new book, Grief is an Elephant (Chronicle, 2023) is available now. It’s Nancy’s debut book, so Tamara kicks off the interview with questions about Nancy’s path to publication.

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Guest Post: Tamara Ellis Smith on Another Kind of Hurricane

Guest Post: Tamara Ellis Smith on Another Kind of Hurricane

By Tamara Ellis Smith

Space. Not up, as in the final frontier, but between, as in the distance between you and me.

I’ve been thinking a lot about that kind of space lately, and I’ve been especially curious about what can happen inside of it. What I’ve come to believe is that anything can happen—and everything.

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