Guest Post & Giveaway: Luke Reynolds on Redefining Success

Guest Post & Giveaway: Luke Reynolds on Redefining Success

By Luke Reynolds
for Cynthia Leitich Smith‘s Cynsations

Over a decade ago, I worked as a wilderness guide in the stunning yet massively mosquito-ridden Adirondack Mountains as part of a program called La Vida—literally: The Life.

Two leaders would take groups of twelve high school students into the woods for two weeks—carrying all our food on our backs,

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Guest Post & Giveaway: C.J. Omololu on Race, Love & Transcendence

Guest Post & Giveaway: C.J. Omololu on Race, Love & Transcendence

Love, true love (1993).

 By C.J. Omololu

I remember meeting my husband like it was yesterday.

I was an enthusiastic twenty-something on my first day at my new job in advertising for a San Francisco weekly newspaper. The building was filled with artsy, interesting people, and as I got the standard tour of my new offices,

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Giveaway: Jane Kohuth’s Duck Sock Hop, Estie the Mensch & Ducks Go Vroom

Giveaway: Jane Kohuth’s Duck Sock Hop, Estie the Mensch & Ducks Go Vroom

By Cynthia Leitich Smith

Enter to win a set of three author-signed children’s books, written by Jane KohuthDuck Sock Hop, illustrated by Jane Porter (Dial, 2012); Estie the Mensch, illustrated by Roseanne Litzinger (Random House, 2011); and Ducks Go Vroom, illustrated by Viviana Garofoli (Random House,

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Interview & Editor Critique Giveaway: Author Tina Nichols Coury & Editor Steve Meltzer on Hanging Off Jefferson’s Nose

Interview & Editor Critique Giveaway: Author Tina Nichols Coury & Editor Steve Meltzer on Hanging Off Jefferson’s Nose

By Cynthia Leitich Smith

Tina: What was the initial inspiration for Hanging Off Jefferson’s Nose: Growing Up On Mount Rushmore by Tina Nichols Coury, illustrated by Sally Wern Comport (Dial, 2012)?

Little did I know that homework, a funeral and a famous stained glass window would begin a journey towards publication that would last almost eighteen years.

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