Guest Post: Ann Jacobus: Critique Group Makes Frances Lee Hall’s Publishing Dream Come True

Guest Post: Ann Jacobus: Critique Group Makes Frances Lee Hall’s Publishing Dream Come True

By Ann Jacobus

It’s an unusual moment when our writing group is in full agreement. But in this case, we knew we had to bring our friend Frances Lee Hall’s wonderful middle grade story to young readers.

The question was how?

Frances Lee Hall

We had all just attended her memorial service.

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Author Interview: Bethany Hegedus on Alabama Spitfire: The Story of Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird

Author Interview: Bethany Hegedus on Alabama Spitfire: The Story of Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird

By Gayleen Rabakukk

Just about a year ago, I became a Writing Barn Fellow, which means I serve as a teaching assistant and provide logistical support for classes and workshops.

It also means that I’ve gotten to know author Bethany Hegedus better and I couldn’t pass up the chance to interview her about her new picture book biography, Continue Reading Author Interview: Bethany Hegedus on Alabama Spitfire: The Story of Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird »

Guest Interview: Author Cheryl Lawton Malone on Elephants Walk Together

Guest Interview: Author Cheryl Lawton Malone on Elephants Walk Together

By Helen Kampion

Cheryl Lawton Malone is the author of the picture book, Elephants Walk Together, illustrated by Bistra Masseva (Albert Whitman, 2017). From the promotional copy:

As calves, Asian elephants Precious and Baba roam the wild together, curious and proud. 

But when they get captured and are split up,

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Guest Post: Sharon Darrow on Back-Story, Future-Story, and On-going Action: Replicating Life with Authenticity

Guest Post: Sharon Darrow on Back-Story, Future-Story, and On-going Action: Replicating Life with Authenticity

Learn about World within Words: Writing and the Writing Life.

By Sharon Darrow

When I talk to my students about point of view and plot action and their relationship, I find myself musing about how we humans really work.

Things happen to us and around us seemingly simultaneously: we receive stimuli (things and people act in our world),

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Guest Post: Lyn Miller-Lachmann on Literature in Translation as Empowering Own Voices

Guest Post: Lyn Miller-Lachmann on Literature in Translation as Empowering Own Voices

By Lyn Miller-Lachmann

Before becoming a translator, I wrote historical fiction set in part in Chile, a country I knew from working with exiles who had fled the Pinochet dictatorship in the 1970s and 1980s as well as with musicians inside the country who were working underground to restore democracy.

In addition to my knowledge gained from personal relationships and spending time in Chile, Continue Reading Guest Post: Lyn Miller-Lachmann on Literature in Translation as Empowering Own Voices »

New Voice: Liara Tamani on Calling My Name

New Voice: Liara Tamani on Calling My Name

By Robin Galbraith

Liara Tamani is the debut author of Calling My Name (Greenwillow/HarperCollins, 2017). From the promotional copy:

This unforgettable novel tells a universal coming-of-age story about Taja Brown, a young African American girl growing up in Houston, Texas, and it deftly and beautifully explores the universal struggles of growing up, Continue Reading New Voice: Liara Tamani on Calling My Name »

Guest Post: Beth Bacon & Marianne Murphy on Conveying Meaning With Meta Fiction & Concrete Poetry

Guest Post: Beth Bacon & Marianne Murphy on Conveying Meaning With Meta Fiction & Concrete Poetry

By Beth Bacon

This is the third post in a series honoring reluctant readers.

Writing conveys a full spectrum of experiences and emotions—but are there limits to what words alone can do? When digging deeper into the building blocks of literacy, you realize that letters and words are more than the ideas the represent.

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