Cynsations Call for Interviews, Guest Posts, Giveaways, Book Trailers & More

Cynsations Call for Interviews, Guest Posts, Giveaways, Book Trailers & More

2016 Holiday

By Cynthia Leitich Smith

Happy New Year!

Cynsations will officially return from winter hiatus in late January.

In the meantime, consider this an invitation to query me about potential future interviews, guest posts, giveaways, book trailers, and more.

Cynsations was launched in 2004 and is considered one of the flagship blogs of the children’s-YA literature industry and community.

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Author Interview & Giveaway: Angela Cerrito on The Safest Lie

Author Interview & Giveaway: Angela Cerrito on The Safest Lie

“The Power of Poetry,” an award-winning play!

By Cynthia Leitich Smith

Welcome back, Cynsations reporter Angela Cerrito, and congratulations on the release of The Safest Lie (Holiday House, 2015). Could you tell us a little about the novel and what inspired you to write it? 

The Safest Lie follows the fictional Anna Bauman attempting to hide her Jewish identity and pass herself off as Anna Karwolska in Warsaw Poland during WWII.

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Cynsations Launches Mirror Site at LiveJournal; Cynsations and Spookycyn Redesigned

Cynsations Launches Mirror Site at LiveJournal; Cynsations and Spookycyn Redesigned

Previously, I have had online ties to the LiveJournal community through syndications of Cynsations and Spookycyn from here at Blogger. However, occasionally errors or blocks occur.

So, I’m launching a mirror Cynsations on LiveJournal. My hope is that–tech gremlins aside–one or the other system will always be running.

You are welcome to read there or here at the original Blogger blog.

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