Author Interview: Srividhya Venkat Discusses Writing Cultural Stories & Nonfiction

Cynsations is celebrating its 20th anniversary by switching to a quarterly publishing schedule, featuring in-depth interviews and articles. Thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm!

By Suma Subramaniam

Today we welcome author Srividhya Venkat back to Cynsations to discuss her first picture book biography.

Tell us about your newest nonfiction picture book biography,

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Author Interview: Jyoti Gopal Shares Strategies for Juggling Multiple Projects

By Suma Subramaniam

I’m thrilled to welcome Jyoti Gopal to Cynsations today!

You lived in many countries before settling down in the United States. How did that experience inform you as an author? 

Living outside one’s culture, learning different languages, straddling different ways of being – these were gifts,

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Author Interview: Laurie Goodluck Reflects on her Influences & Forever Cousins

By: AJ Eversole

Today on Cynsations we are chatting with Laurie Goodluck. I had the pleasure of meeting her during We Need Diverse Book’s Native Writing Intensive in its debut year, 2020. Seeing her career move forward since that time has been absolutely beautiful.

What is the heart of Forever Cousins?

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Cynsations Return & Author Update: Cynthia Leitich Smith on Writing, New Releases, Native Voices & Allies

Cynsations Return & Author Update: Cynthia Leitich Smith on Writing, New Releases, Native Voices & Allies

Learn more about Cynthia Leitich Smith.

By Traci Sorell
for Cynthia Leitich Smith‘s Cynsations

As an New York Times bestselling author and the creator of Cynsations blog, Cynthia is well known to many. But after reading her upcoming YA novel, Hearts Unbroken (Candlewick,

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Cynsations Intern: Robin Galbraith on Giving Yourself Permission to Write

Cynsations Intern: Robin Galbraith on Giving Yourself Permission to Write

Would-Be Kid Writer Robin

By Robin Galbraith

I tried to write my first story when I was in second grade. My family was gathered around the TV like every night. While “M*A*S*H” played in the background, I stared at my blank paper and dreamed up what I thought was a hilarious story of a girl who used every possible excuse to avoid going to bed—a subject I knew well.

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Cynsations Readers Interview Cynthia Leitich Smith

Cynsations Readers Interview Cynthia Leitich Smith

By Cynsations Readers

Over the past couple of weeks, children’s-YA author Cynthia Leitich Smith put out a call for questions from readers on Cynsations and Twitter. Here are those she elected to tackle and her responses. A few questions were condensed for space and/or clarity.

See also a previous Cynsations reader-interview post from November 2010.

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Cynsations Call for Interviews, Guest Posts, Giveaways, Book Trailers & More

Cynsations Call for Interviews, Guest Posts, Giveaways, Book Trailers & More

2016 Holiday

By Cynthia Leitich Smith

Happy New Year!

Cynsations will officially return from winter hiatus in late January.

In the meantime, consider this an invitation to query me about potential future interviews, guest posts, giveaways, book trailers, and more.

Cynsations was launched in 2004 and is considered one of the flagship blogs of the children’s-YA literature industry and community.

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Author Interview & Giveaway: Angela Cerrito on The Safest Lie

Author Interview & Giveaway: Angela Cerrito on The Safest Lie

“The Power of Poetry,” an award-winning play!

By Cynthia Leitich Smith

Welcome back, Cynsations reporter Angela Cerrito, and congratulations on the release of The Safest Lie (Holiday House, 2015). Could you tell us a little about the novel and what inspired you to write it? 

The Safest Lie follows the fictional Anna Bauman attempting to hide her Jewish identity and pass herself off as Anna Karwolska in Warsaw Poland during WWII.

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Cynsations Launches Mirror Site at LiveJournal; Cynsations and Spookycyn Redesigned

Cynsations Launches Mirror Site at LiveJournal; Cynsations and Spookycyn Redesigned

Previously, I have had online ties to the LiveJournal community through syndications of Cynsations and Spookycyn from here at Blogger. However, occasionally errors or blocks occur.

So, I’m launching a mirror Cynsations on LiveJournal. My hope is that–tech gremlins aside–one or the other system will always be running.

You are welcome to read there or here at the original Blogger blog.

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