Editor Interview: Levine Querido’s Nick Thomas on Perspectives & Accessibility

By Elisabeth Norton

Today I’m talking with Nick Thomas, Senior Editor at Levine Querido, an independent publisher of books for young readers that was founded by Arthur A. Levine in 2019.

Nick, thank you for joining me! 

Thank you for having me! Cynsations is one of my favorite websites—I use it as a resource all the time to learn from creators and publishing people I respect.

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Guest Post: Author Alex Sanchez Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Rainbow Boys

By Alex Sanchez

I’ve actually been writing longer than twenty years, but to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of my first novel, Rainbow Boys (Simon & Schuster, 2001)(Woo-hoo!), here are a few life lessons I’ve picked up along the way.

1. Surround yourself with people who believe in you. They don’t need to be other writers,

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Guest Post: Rajani LaRocca Writes About Her Process For Evoking a Story Set in 1980s

By Rajani LaRocca

My novel in verse Red, White, and Whole (Quill Tree Books, 2021) is set in 1983. It’s about thirteen-year-old Reha, the child of Indian immigrants, who is torn between the worlds of her parents and her friends at school. Like many teens her age, she wants to wear cool clothes, and go to a middle school dance.

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Native Voice: Joelle Bearstail on Bear’s Braid & Bullying

By Cynthia Leitich Smith

Joelle, congratulations on the release of your picture book Bear’s Braid, illustrated by Denise Tadlock (Mascot Books, 2021)! Could you tell us about your journey to becoming a children’s author and your initial inspiration for writing this story?

Thank you! It has been new and exciting so far.

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