Guest Post: Amy Bearce on World-Building Woes (& Wows)

Guest Post: Amy Bearce on World-Building Woes (& Wows)

By Amy Bearce

Confession: I have a terrible time with world-building. So, naturally, I consistently write fantasy, where world-building is critical.

You gotta be kidding me! Credit: Pixabay, mintchipdesigns, CC0

In real life, I’m not very observant about the space around me. I notice people’s emotions, but not what they are eating or what they are wearing.

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Guest Post: Author-Librarian Amy Bearce on Knowing Your Young Readers

Guest Post: Author-Librarian Amy Bearce on Knowing Your Young Readers

By Amy Bearce

One thing I learned while earning my Masters of Library Science and my school librarian certificate is that if you try to censor a book, librarians will Take. You. Down.

“Don’t make me get my gloves out.” (Boxing Glove by Janusz Gawron via

Censorship and First Amendment rights are hot-button issues for librarians.

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