Check out our bibliographies of books for young readers, children’s-YA book creators and gatekeepers.
Drawn from books published between 1995 and 2000, they reflect areas in which we publish and additional recommended reads for fans of the age market, genre and/or format. (For more recent titles, visit Cynsations.)
The intent here is to highlight; none of these are intended as comprehensive resources. While some award-winners and bestsellers are included, part of the goal was to feature underappreciated gems.
Again, this has been an ongoing effort since the mid 1990s, so not all books listed are still in print. But you can seek them out from libraries and used booksellers.
First, the main age-market and format categories:
- picture books
- early readers and chapter books
- middle grade realism
- young adult realism
- middle grade and young adult short stories
Focal topics:
Diverse, inclusive and underrepresented (also integrated throughout):
- interracial and bicultural families, relationships and identity (interracial romance, identity, transracial adoption, and related resources), including picture books, novels and nonfiction.
- multicultural
- Native (North) American Indian/First Nations/Indigenous (contemporary and historical titles, books by Native authors and illustrators, teacher/librarian resources)
Children’s Book Writers’ Reading List: A Technical and Inspirational Bibliography
Study: guidebooks