Cynsations is celebrating its 20th anniversary by switching to a quarterly publishing schedule, featuring in-depth interviews and articles. Thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm!
By Cynthia Leitich Smith, Gayleen Rabakukk, Suma Subramaniam, A.J. Eversole, Mitu Malhotra and Gail Vannelli for Cynsations
Spotlight Image: A Flicker of Hope: A Story of Migration by Cynthia Harmony, illustrated by Devon Holzwarth (Viking Books for Young Readers, 2024).
Author/Illustrator Insights
Interview With Victor D.O. Santos: What Makes Us Human by Betsy Bird from School Library Journal. Peek: “Helping kids understand the value of language survival and preservation is a way to help children understand the importance of diversity and the right that every person and every people have to use and maintain their own language and…their own culture…If kids understand this basic human right, they will become better world citizens….”

Q&A With Melissa de la Cruz by Amanda Ramirez from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “[Being] optimistic about the world, being committed to always questioning and always educating yourself…—that’s kind of how I operate. I find things that I’m interested in, I figure out how to…make them books, and then I figure out how to sell them…The more you’re interested in the world around you, the more ideas you have.”
Writing About Broken Worlds, a Guest Post by Veera Hiranandani by Amanda MacGregor from Teen Librarian Toolbox. Peek: “Perhaps if our kids see examples in stories of both children and adults handling multiple emotions in the face of adversity, if they see that healing and finding joy again is not linear and different for everyone, the easier it might be for them to make sense of the world and feel connected to it.”
28 Days Later: Tameka Fryer Brown by Tameka Fryer Brown from The Brown Bookshelf. Peek: “Have there been stresses and struggles, discouragement and disappointments along the way? Absolutely. In fact, I quit being a writer about every three months. But there’s also been friendship. And personal growth. And reassurance from readers who let me know…how much my stories mean to them….They’re why I keep suiting up and getting back in the game.”

Kekla Magoon on Her Genre-Crossing Output by Iyana Jones from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “Writing was always something I turned to in times of crisis, or transition—a way to process emotions….[In New York City after 9/11] I found that I was…pouring out all of my angst and frustration and fear, and every emotion was stumbling out onto the page….[T]hat ended up being something that I kept coming back to….”
Day 6: Judy Allen Dodson by TeMika Grooms from The Brown Bookshelf. Peek: “My journey from the spark of an idea to the glossy pages of a published book has been a rollercoaster of creativity, joy, and persistence….[B]e gentle with yourself during any stage…[Y]ou’ll need to protect your energy for the publication journey is long. I’m enjoying my rollercoaster ride because I know my voice is needed in the world.”
Equity & Inclusion
Indigenous Children’s Book Authors Band Together by Patricia Morris Buckley from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “As a driving force behind Heartdrum,…[an] imprint devoted to Native American children’s book authors, Cynthia Leitich Smith has seen firsthand how Indigenous representation in publishing has evolved. ‘Only a decade ago, the Native children’s and YA author community…was incredibly small,’ says Smith…That’s changing…, with more Indigenous-written titles coming to market…and a reinforcing of ties among Native authors.”

Traci Sorell: Using Our Gifts To Help, Inspire, and Contribute by Lisa Bullard from Mackin Community. Peek: “I hope through the words I craft that readers find a dynamic story that enlightens, informs, entertains…I want them to see that Native people have always been here and will always be here—making contributions, exercising their sovereignty, speaking their languages, and advocating for all to be cared for, including the land, water, air, plants, and animals.”
Children’s Authors on Their Favorite Questions From Kids by Diane Roback from Publishers Weekly. Peek: [Jason Reynolds:] “[O]ne young person…[asked] if I happen to be part of the LGBTQIA community….My answer was…‘Yes. Absolutely!’ I followed with, ‘Even if I don’t identify as LGBTQIA, I have family, friends, students, and other loved ones who are, and I am in community with them…So, yes, I am, and we should all be part of the LGBTQIA community.’”
Kirby Larson and Quinn Wyatt Talk With Roger by Roger Sutton from The Horn Book. Peek: [Quinn Wyatt:] “[L]iving with a chronic illness can be very debilitating, depressing at times, and difficult. But it can also be emboldening. It can give you a voice and teach you to be brave and to speak up for what you need….Everybody is struggling through something…This is a universal story about how people deal with adversity.”

The “Unlikeable” Strong Filipino Girl, a Guest Post by Gail D. Villanueva by Amanda MacGregor from Teen Librarian Toolbox. Peek: “Strong female characters in both fiction and real life are often described as unlikeable or irritating….[I] hope we can give strong-girl heroes a chance before we automatically write them off as ‘unlikeable,’ and in our case, ‘not Filipina enough,’…because they don’t adhere to the gender norms….Let’s let strong Filipino girls be. Let’s let every strong kid be.”
Where Is the Diversity in Publishing? The 2023 Diversity Baseline Survey Results from Lee and Low Books. Peek: “The Diversity Baseline Survey was created to answer a question: Does the book industry have a diversity problem?…[W]hen the DBS was first administered in 2015, 79% of the respondents identified as White. In 2023, 72.5% identified as White. This marked improvement shows that the publishing industry is becoming more inclusive, albeit incrementally so.”
Writing Craft
WNDMG Wednesday: Author Interview With Maleeha Siddiqui by Shifa Safadi from From The Mixed-Up Files of Middle-Grade Authors. Peek: “I finished 90% of the book from September 2022 to January 2023….I paid close attention to every plot beat, character arc, pacing, etc. I heard every character’s voice…clearly in my head….[H]aving a detailed synopsis makes it a little less painful. I do pants 5-10% of the story, though…[S]ometimes the characters have a mind of their own.”

YA Novelist Soyoung Park Is a “Realistic Dreamer” by Christine Gorss-Loh from Kirkus Reviews. Peek: “[I] write the same amount every day once I get on the right track. My biggest obstacle is…the stress of filling a blank space with something that has never before existed….I start with editing what I wrote the day before….At the end of the workday, I leave myself a rough storyline to work on the next day.”
Sydney Taylor Book Blog Tour: Interview With Honor Winner Deke Moulton by Betsy Bird from School Library Journal. Peek: “[T]he best villains don’t think they’re the ‘bad’ ones in the situation. So, my recipe for creating a compelling villain is make sure you truly understand their side. Make it so important to them that ‘the ends justify the means’—meaning that they think they are so right that anything is allowed to get to that goal.”
Four Questions for Amalie Howard by Erika Hardison from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “Technique, craft, and storytelling are important when you’re writing any kind of book…I used to teach a creative writing class for two years where we covered the basic structure of a novel: understanding [what makes a] compelling beginning, the inciting event, the character’s goals, motivation in conflict, and a satisfying resolution.”

“Pedal, Balance, Steer: Annie Londonderry, The First Woman To Cycle Around the World” Plus Interview With the Author, Vivian Kirkfield! by Rebecca Gardyn Levington from Picture Book Builders. Peek: “I’d love to share how/why I never give up. How/why even after the original editor passed on my first attempt, I completely rewrote the manuscript for her. And how/why after she passed on that manuscript, I agreed with my agent to submit it further…Our revisions work to make the best story for our young readers….”
Five questions for Breanna J. McDaniel and April Harrison from The Horn Book. Peek: [April Harrison:] “With a real person’s story, the research, truth, accuracy, and details are everything when creating believable illustrations. I must keep in mind the actual historical timeline of the period. I do a lot of research online via relevant newspaper articles and reference books, and look at fashions [and world issues] from the era….”
Educators Fight Book Bans Through Their Union by Mary Ellen Flannery from National Education Association Today. Peek: “A union-led lawsuit has achieved a temporary block on sweeping book bans, ensuring Iowa students still have the freedom to read….U.S. District Judge Stephen Locher granted an injunction…temporarily blocking…Senate File 496…[which] bans books describing any description of sex—regardless of context—on school shelves from kindergarten through 12th grade.”

Abrams Launches Abrams Fanfare, Imprint for Comics for Young Readers by Johanna from School Library Journal. Peek: “Coming fall 2024 is Abrams Fanfare, a new imprint from Abrams Children’s Books dedicated to comics for young readers. Abrams Fanfare will publish comics and graphic novels across age levels, from earliest readers to middle grade and young adult. The line plans to include popular series, non-fiction, acclaimed creators, and original stories featuring fan-favorite brands.”
Balzer + Bray Imprint To Move to Macmillan Children’s by Emma Kantor from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group has announced that Alessandra Balzer and Donna Bray will bring their HarperCollins imprint, Balzer + Bray, to MCPG….[T]hey will build a new list of picture books, middle grade, YA fiction, and graphic novels. All books published by the two at HarperCollins will remain there, to be reassigned to other imprints in the division.”
28 Days Later: Don Tate by Don Tate from The Brown Bookshelf. Peek: “Traditional publishing is not an easy door to enter. Publishing has gatekeepers. Publishing is inherently competitive—there are more creators than opportunities. In addition, historically, Creators of Color have been forced to the back door—to find themselves many times locked out there, too. I didn’t give up, however, so I kept banging on publishing’s doors.”
Delacorte Announces New YA Romance Imprint by Iyana Jones from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “Delacorte Press is preparing to release a variety of love stories for an audience that never grows tired of the prospect of love. The publisher…announced the launch of Delacorte Romance, a new imprint dedicated to highlighting love stories for teens…The inaugural list will publish this summer and will feature five titles….”
James Patterson Announces a New Bookstore Bonus Program from American Booksellers Association. Peek: “In celebration of [James Patterson’s] new title, The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians,…[u]p to 500 booksellers from ABA member stores across the country will receive $500 bonuses…Booksellers can self-nominate to be considered for a bonus, or they can be nominated by bookstore customers, owners, employees, managers, fellow booksellers, publishing professionals, or authors.” Nominate here by March 13.
RISE Report on E-Commerce Platforms from Shelf Awareness. Peek: “The European & International Booksellers Federation has published a RISE Industry Insights research paper on E-Commerce Platforms for Independent Bookshops…The publication delves into e-commerce platforms tailored for independent booksellers in three countries…[including] IndieCommerce in the U.S….The report highlights a surge in new bookshops joining e-commerce platforms, while…outlining how these platforms provide crucial access to the online market.”
GLIBA Introduces Great Lakes Bookstore of the Year Award from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “This year, the Great Lakes Independent Booksellers Association will introduce a new award, the Great Lakes Bookstore of the Year, which ‘aims to spotlight and applaud independent bookstores that have demonstrated exceptional influence, support, representation, and impact within their communities and their fellow bookselling community.’…For a list of criteria and to nominate a bookstore, click here.”
Why Authors Should Put Their Fictional Characters on Social Media and How To Do It by Sandra Beckwith from Build Book Buzz. Peek: “By bringing your character to life outside the pages of your book, you’re giving readers and fans an opportunity to connect with the character in a way that further bonds them to your writing.”
PW Close-Up: James Patterson’s “The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians” from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “Nobody cares more about books than booksellers and librarians….[S]ure, they got into the profession because they love books. But these talented people aren’t just…reading during work hours. They’re…buying, receiving, shelving, cleaning, story time, social media. Libraries and bookstores are major parts of their neighborhoods, running all kinds of community programs and gatherings.”
The American Library Association Releases “Book Résumés” for Banned Books by Andrew Albanese from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “The American Library Association’s Unite Against Book Bans initiative has unveiled a new free resource—a collection of ‘book résumés.’ Created in collaboration with dozens of publishers, Unite Against Book Bans book résumés are easy-to-print documents that summarize a banned book’s significance and educational value, including a synopsis, reviews from professional journals, awards, accolades, and more….” See also, About Book Résumés/FAQ.
Education/Other Resources/Events
“PW” Partners With AALA on 2024 U.S. Book Show from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “Publishers Weekly and the Association of American Literary Agents will present the U.S. Book Show: A Conference for Publishing Professionals at NYU’s Kimmel Center in New York City on May 22. The one-day in-person educational conference will bring together agents, editors, marketers, and book publishing professionals to discuss emerging trends and foster connections.
School Library Journal held its sixth annual Middle Grade Magic free virtual event to celebrate authors and creators dedicated to crafting literature for children ages 8-12. “Get a behind-the-scenes glimpse at some of the most anticipated new titles for kids and tweens, from modern coming-of-age tales to eye-popping graphic novels to immersive fantasy.” Though the live event has passed, recordings are available on demand for those who register here.
The London Book Fair takes place March 12 to March 14 at Olympia London. This fair is “where the global publishing community unites to develop relationships, gain insights, and define the future of creative content.” Children’s publishing is a key theme of the 2024 seminar sessions. Register here.
The 2024 Kweli Color of Children’s Literature Conference takes place April 19 to April 21 at Columbia University Teachers College in New York City. This will be “an incredible weekend with top editors, agents, authors and illustrators in the children’s book publishing world. Our spring conference is an excellent opportunity for BIPOC writers and illustrators to learn, get inspired and network with others in the industry.”

Join Kekla Magoon and Cynthia Leitich Smith on their tour for their new book Blue Stars: Tthe Vice Principal Problem, illustrated by Molly Murakami (Candlewick Press, 2024). Tour stops include the Tucson Festival of Books, Tucson, Ariz., from March 9 to March 10, the Texas Library Association 2024 Conference, San Antonio, Texas, from April 16 to April 19, the LA Times Festival of Books, Los Angeles, Calif., from April 20 to April 21, the Gaithersburg Book Festival, Gaithersburg, Md., on May 18, and LITapalooza 2024, Naperville, Ill., from Jul. 25 to Jul. 26.
Austin SCBWI’s in-person and online 2024 All Texas Writers and Illustrators Conference takes place May 4 to May 5 at the Austin Marriott North, Round Rock, Texas. There will be opportunities to “learn your craft, boost your career, get feedback on your work, and meet…with fellow children’s book writers and illustrators.” The schedule includes keynotes, a publishing panel, breakout sessions, intensives and more. Register here.
Tips for Building an Indigenous Children’s Literature Collection by Patricia Morris Buckley from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “As more Native-authored books enter the market, children have more opportunity to experience diverse and fact-based representations of Native culture….[Nambé Pueblo educator Debbie] Reese says…[i]t’s not ‘simply adding to the collection. It includes taking outdated, inaccurate, and stereotypical materials out of the collection.’…Here are a few resources that can help educators and librarians evaluate Native literature….”
Scholarships & Grants
ALA Re-Ups Conference Travel Grants for Comics Librarians from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “Skybound Entertainment has provided $6,000 in funding to the American Library Association’s Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table, underwriting a new round of grants supporting library workers in expanding their knowledge of, and experience with, comics in libraries. Two grantees will…attend the upcoming 2024 ALA Annual Conference with a $3,000 stipend.” Apply here by April 1.
The We Need Diverse Books’ 2024 Black Creatives Revisions Workshop application period is open to unpublished, unagented US-based writers who identify as part of the African diaspora and who have a fully completed manuscript that features Black protagonists and focuses on a diverse central subject matter. Ten workshop slots will be awarded: two for Middle Grade, four for Young Adult, and four for Adult. For six months, each selectee will receive guidance from a dedicated mentor and through faculty-led seminars. Applications close March 22 at 8:59 p.m. pacific, 10:59 p.m. central, 11:59 p.m. eastern. Apply here.
If you are of a diverse background and desire to work in children’s or adult publishing, you can apply to the We Need Diverse Books’ Internship Grant Program, which awards grants of $3,000 each to help applicants further their publishing career goals. The internships must take place between Jun. 1 and Aug. 31. “Grantees are expected to attend various events throughout the summer including an introductory Internship Grant Bootcamp….” Apply here by April 30.
From This Cynsations Series
- Co-Author Interview: Kekla Magoon & Cynthia Leitich Smith on Collaboration, Careers & the Joy of Creating Children’s Books
- Guest Post: Author Suzanne Morgan Williams on Digging Deep & Getting It Right – Research Tips for Fiction & Nonfiction
- Author Interview: E.L. Shen Discusses Her Latest Book, Maybe It’s A Sign & Her Author-Editor Life
- Author Interview: Laurel Goodluck Shares Her Writing Process & Positives of Promotion
- New Voices: Sara Holly Ackerman & Elle Gonzales Rose Celebrate Debuts
- Author-Illustrator Interview: Ellie Peterson Reflects on Her Creative Process & Winning the Washington State Book Award
- Creative Team Dierdre Havrelock & Aly McKnight on Their Creative Processes & New Picture Book, Why We Dance
- Guest Interview: Meredith Davis Talks with Carolyn Leiloglou about Writing a Middle Grade Series & Marketing Strategies
- Throwback Thursday: Breanna J. McDaniel on Writing Highly Personal Stories for Children
- Author Interview: Kim Rogers Discusses Impact of Historical Native Representation
- Author Interview: Kate Hosford Discusses Poetry in Picture Books, Teaching Poetry & You’ll Always Be My Chickadee
- Curator Interview: Leslie Stall Widener on the Choctaw Culture Keepers Series
- In Memory: Robie Harris; Petra Mathers & Dinah Stevenson
- Writers Alex Sanchez, Anica Mrose Rissi & Sheela Chari Reflect on Teaching Writing
More Personally – Cynthia
Cynsational readers, thank you for joining us in celebration of our 20th year anniversary! As you’ve likely noticed, we’re shifting to a quarterly posting schedule, offering a series of more in-depth articles and interviews than we’ve done in the past. The idea is to lean into quality over quantity. That said, I couldn’t be more wowed or grateful for the hard work, wisdom, and insights shared by the Cynterns and our guest contributors over the years.

As mentioned above, I’m currently speaking at the Tucson Festival of Books on leg one of the Mission One: The Vice Principal Problem (Blues Stars, Book 1)(Candlewick, 2024) tour with co-author Kekla Magoon. Thank you to Red Balloon Bookshop in St. Paul for hosting our launch party with debut MG illustrator Molly Murakami on Tuesday night! The graphic novel is a Junior Library Guild selection and so far has received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews.

In other book news, my YA novel Harvest House (Candlewick, 2023)(cover by Britt Newton) has recently received exciting recognition:
- Bram Stoker Award® Nominee for Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel (one of five 2023 titles)
- Rise: A Feminist Book Project (ALA)
- Notable Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror of 2023
- Oklahoma Library Association’s 2025 High School Sequoyah Masterlist
If you’ve been waiting for a less expensive edition (or are planning to teach the novel in a classroom setting), the paperback edition of this Indigenous ghost mystery (for middle school and high school readers) is available for pre-order.

What else? I’m delighted to share the cover by Natasha Donovan of my upcoming middle grade road-trip novel, On a Wing and a Tear (Heartdrum, September 2024)—now available for pre-order. It’s a story about…
A living legend roosting in the backyard. An unmissable game. A hair-raising mystery. A road trip full of adventure and danger. And all the overlapping circles that connect us.

In Heartdrum news, there is so much to share!
Congratulations to Kim Rogers and debut illustrator Bobby Von Martin on the release of I Am Osage: How Clarence Tinker Became the First Native American Major General!
As for what’s new and next, please be sure to pre-order Circle of Love, written by Monique Gray Smith, illustrated by Nicole Niedhardt; When We Gather: Ostadahlisiha: A Cherokee Tribal Feast, written by Andrea L. Rogers, illustrated by Madelyn Goodnight; Red Bird Danced by Dawn Quigley, cover art by Carla Joseph; and Looking For Smoke by K.A. Cobell, cover by Leah Rose Kolakowski. Find more information about all of these titles.

That said, we’re grateful for your ongoing support and enthusiasm and still celebrating our 2023 releases! Recent honors and acclaim include:
Rock Your Mocs by Laurel Goodluck and Madelyn Goodnight: American Indian Youth Literature Honor Award; CCBC Choices; American Indians in Children’s Literature (AICL) Best Books of 2023
Just Like Grandma by Kim Rogers and Julie Flett: Charlotte Zolotow Award Winner; Reading the West Award Longlist; CCBC Choices
Jo Jo Makoons: Snow Day (Book 3 in the Jo Jo Makoons series) by Dawn Quigley and Tara Audibert: American Indian Youth Literature Honor Award; CCBC Choices; American Indians in Children’s Literature (AICL) Best Books of 2023
A Letter for Bob by Kim Rogers and Jonathan Nelson: American Indian Youth Literature Award; CCBC Choices; Charlotte Zolotow Highly Commended List
Heroes of the Water Monster by Brian Young, cover by Shonto Begay: American Indian Youth Literature Honor Award; Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2023; American Indians in Children’s Literature (AICL) Best Books of 2023
Two Tribes by Emily Bowen Cohen: 2024 YALSA Great Graphic Novels for Teens; Finalist, National Jewish Book Award
We Still Belong by Christine Day, cover by Madelyn Goodnight: American Indian Youth Literature Award; CCBC Choices; School Library Journal Books Books of 2023
Rez Ball by Byron Graves, cover by Natasha Donovan: William C Morris YA Debut Award Winner; American Indian Youth Literature Award; Reading the West Award Longlist
Those Pink Mountain Nights by Jen Ferguson, cover by Bailey Macabre: ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults; Rise: A Feminist Book Project (ALA); Nominee, Forest of Reading White Pine Award
For more book awards news, keep reading! In this roundup, that (huge!) section has been placed under the team’s Personal Links.
More Personally – Gayleen
I’ve recently added a new entry to my bio: bookseller at Paper Bark Birch Children’s Bookstore in Cedar Park, Texas. I love connecting young readers with books and it’s especially fun to hand-sell titles by author friends like Christina Soontornvat‘s The Last Mapmaker (Candlewick, 2022).
I’m also leading a book club for third – sixth graders focusing on the Texas Bluebonnet Award titles at my local library.
More Personally – Mitu
Since the start of this year, I have been balancing writing new pages and revising a middle grade manuscript. Some days I can crank out a hefty word count, some days not a word peeps out. In accepting the writer’s life, I am learning to accept the ebb and flow of words and ideas.
In January, I joined CBIG or the Children’s Book Illustrators Group to get my drawing brain back in gear. Here is a doodle for fun.
In February, two of my poems were published in Thin Air magazine. Slowly, I am finding courage to put my words out in the world, Bird by Bird as Anne Lamott says in my all-time favorite book of writing life inspiration.
Personal Links – Cynthia
Congratulations to Varsha Bajaj and her fellow 2024 inductees to the Texas Institute of Letters.
Less Than 2 Percent of Children’s Books Feature Indigenous Characters. Heartdrum Wants to Change That. by Kaiya Little from Texas Monthly. Peek: “We decided to lean into fiction that was really centered on individual kids, that other kids can get to know and become friends with and care about on the page,” Smith says. “We wanted to give them three-dimensional people that they could fall in love with, both Native and non-Native kids.”
Fighting for Libraries, On and Off the Page: A Conversation Between the Co-Authors of the “Blue Stars” Series by Kekla Magoon and Cynthia Leitich Smith from School Library Journal. Peek: “The ‘Blue Stars’ series is about collaboration and teamwork, and we can be, too.”
Co-Authors Interview: Kekla Magoon & Cynthia Leitich Smith on Collaboration, Careers & the Joy of Creating Children’s Books by Gayleen Rabakukk from Cynsations. Peek: “Every collaboration between two writers probably looks different, but our process required shared time and space and the willingness to get comfortable, be silly, and toss out ideas freely until we landed on one that worked. It was a very safe and supportive space, and our conversations always led to consensus, never to conflict, which was amazing.”
Cover Reveal for Mission One: The Vice Principal Problem by Kekla Magoon and Cynthia Leitich Smith, illustrated by Molly Murakami by JoAnn Yao from We Need Diverse Books.
Personal Links – Gayleen
Beaufort, SC, Bans 5 books from School Shelves After Push to Ban 97 from 60 Minutes.
Personal Links – A.J.
New Children’s and YA Books With Indigenous Representation by A.J. Eversole from Publishers Weekly.

Congratulations to the winners and honorees of the 2024 ALA Youth Media Awards, which include the Newbery Medal, Caldecott Medal, Printz Award, Coretta Scott King Book Awards, Margaret A. Edwards Award, Schneider Family Book Award, Alex Awards, Children’s Literature Legacy Award, Mildred L. Batchelder Award, Odyssey Award, Pura Belpré Awards, Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award, Excellence in Early Learning Digital Media Award, Stonewall Book Award, Theodor Seuss Geisel Award, William C. Morris Award, and YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults.
Congratulations to the winners and honorees of the 2024 American Indian Youth Literature Awards. The winners are:
- Best Picture Book (co-winners): Forever Cousins by Laurel Goodluck (Mandan & Hidatsa and Tsimshian), illustrated Jonathan Nelson (Navajo/Diné) (Charlesbridge, 2022) and A Letter for Bob by Kim Rogers (Wichita & Affiliated Tribes), illustrated by Jonathan Nelson (Navajo/Diné)(Heartdrum, 2023).
- Best Middle Grade Book: We Still Belong by Christine Day (Upper Skagit), cover art by Madelyn Goodnight (Chickasaw Nation)(Heartdrum, 2023).
- Best Young Adult Book: Rez Ball by Byron Graves (Ojibwe), cover art by Natasha Donovan (Métis)(Heartdrum, 2023).
Congratulations to the winners and honorees of the ALA Affiliate Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature:
- Picture Book: The Truth About Dragons by Julie Leung, illustrated by Hanna Cha (Henry Holt and Co. (BYR), 2023).
- Children’s Literature: Ruby Lost and Found by Christina Li (Quill Tree Books, 2023).
- Youth/Young Adult Literature: I’d Rather Burn Than Bloom by Shannon C. F. Rogers (Feiwel & Friends, 2023).

Congratulations also to:
- The winners and honorees of the 2024 Walter Dean Myers Awards.
- The Gold Metal and Silver (Honor) Metal recipients of the ALA Affiliate Sydney Taylor Book Award.
- The finalists of the 17th Annual Whitney Awards, especially in the categories of Young Adult, Young Adult Speculative, Young Adult Fantasy and Middle Grade Fiction.
- The winner and honorees of the Cooperative Children’s Book Center’s 2024 Charlotte Zolotow Award.
- The 2023 Cybils Award Winners.
- The 55th NAACP Image Awards Nominees, especially in the categories of Outstanding Literary Work–Children and Outstanding Literary Work–Youth/Teens. The winners will be announced at the live awards telecast on March 16 at 5 p.m. pacific, 7 p.m. central, 8 p.m. eastern on CBS and BET.
- The winners and honorees of the 2024 Jane Addams Children’s Book Awards.
- The winners and honorees of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators’ 2024 Golden Kite Awards and Sid Fleischman Award for Humor.
- The 2024 Edgar Awards Nominees, especially in the categories of Best Juvenile and Best Young Adult.
- The authors and illustrators whose books were 2023 Nerdies Awards winners.
- The authors and illustrators whose books made the 73rd National Jewish Book Awards list, especially in the categories of Children’s Picture Book, Middle Grade Literature and Young Adult Literature.
- The authors whose books were named to the Young Adult Library Association’s 2024 Best Fiction for Young Adults list.
- The authors and illustrators whose books were named to the 2023 Rainbow Book List.
- The authors and illustrators whose books made the 2024 Rise: A Feminist Book Project Top Ten.
- The authors and illustrators whose books made the Children’s Cooperative Book Center’s 2024 Choices list.
- The authors and illustrators whose books made the Association for Library Service to Children’s 2024 Notable Children’s Books list, in the categories of Younger Readers, Middle Readers, Older Readers, and All Ages.
- The authors and illustrators whose books made the 2024 Texas Topaz Reading List.
- The authors and illustrators whose books were named to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s 2023 Best Canadian Books for Kids and Young Adults.

Congratulations to the winners and honorees of the 2024 Ezra Jack Keats Award. The winners are Anne Wynter for Nell Plants a Tree, illustrated by Daniel Miyares (Balzer + Bray, 2023)(Writer) and Sarah Gonzales for The Only Way to Make Bread, written by Cristina Quintero (Tundra Books, 2023)(Illustrator). The livestream award ceremony will take place April 11 at 10 a.m. pacific, 12 p.m. central, 1 p.m. eastern.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Southern Book Prize, especially in the Children’s & YA category.
Congratulations to the authors and illustrators whose books made the Children’s Book Council’s 2024 Best STEM Books List, which “aims to provide recommendations to educators, librarians, parents, and guardians for the best children’s books with STEM content.” See the list here.
National Book Awards Expand Eligibility to Non–U.S. Citizens by Sophia Stewart from Publishers Weekly. Peek: “The National Book Foundation has expanded eligibility criteria for the National Book Awards for Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Young People’s Literature to include authors who do not hold U.S. citizenship. Authors who ‘maintain their primary, long-term home in the U.S., U.S. territories, or Tribal lands’ will be eligible for consideration for the 75th National Book Awards….”