Tantalize: Kieren’s Story is now available from Candlewick Press in the United States and Canada! It will be published Oct. 1 by Walker Australia and New Zealand and Oct. 6 by Walker Books in the U.K. Watch Cynsations for additional announcements.
Celebrate by entering to win the Tantalize: Kieren’s Story Howling Great Giveaway!
The prize includes:
- author-autographed copy of Tantalize: Kieren’s Story, illustrated by Ming Doyle
- Barbecue Lovers Guide to Austin by Gloria Corral
- “Living with Wolves” DVD from the Discovery Channel
- adult-size costume bat wings
- bat finger puppet
- armadillo puppet
- wolf finger puppet
- bear finger puppet
- opossum finger puppet
- flashing cat key chain
- armadillo egg candies
- mini journal
- Austin magnet
- audio edition of Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith, read by Kim Mai Guest (Listening Library/Random House)(shown below)
To enter, comment on this post and include an email address (formatted like: cynthia at cynthialeitichsmith dot com) or a link to an email address. Or you can email me directly with “Tantalize: Kieren’s Story” in the subject line. Author-sponsored. Deadline: Sept. 6.
For extra entries (itemize efforts in your entry comment/email with relevant links):
- Blog, tweet (hashtag: #khowls), facebook or Google+ this giveaway
- Click “like” on the Cynthia Leitich Smith facebook author page
- Follow @CynLeitichSmith at Twitter
- Subscribe to Cynsations (see sidebar at Blogger)
- Follow Cynsations by email (see sidebar at Blogger)
- Friend Cynsations at LiveJournal
- Subscribe to CynthiaLeitichSmith’s channel at YouTube
Limit 8 entries. This giveaway is for international readers–everyone is eligible!
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Closer look at the wolf finger puppet, cat key chain, Austin magnet & wipe board. |
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Closer peek at the books & DVD. |
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Hello, finger puppets! |
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Howdy, Mr. Armadillo! |
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Here’s another angle on the whole shebang! |
About the Novel
Tantalize: Kieren’s Story by Cynthia Leitich Smith, illustrated by Ming Doyle (Candlewick, 2011). From the promotional copy:
Tantalize as you’ve never seen it before —from a Wolf’s-eye view!
As a hybrid werewolf, Kieren is destined to join an urban Wolf pack and learn to master his shift. Soon, he’ll leave everything behind home, school, his family, and Quincie, his human best friend…who’s beginning to be a whole lot more than a friend.
For years, Kieren has managed to keep his desires—and his Wolf—at bay. But when the chef at Quincie’s family restaurant is brutally murdered, Kieren resolves to be there for her, even if it means being framed and even if it means watching Quincie’s beloved restaurant morph into a vampire lair.
But when the new chef begins wooing Quincie, how long can Kieren control his claws? How long can he protect her—and himself?
In an elegant graphic edition featuring cinematic sequential art by debut artist Ming Doyle and a lush, romantic cover by Sam Weber, best-selling author Cynthia Leitich Smith re-envisions her delicious dark fantasy through Wolfish eyes.
about the author
Cynthia Leitich Smith is the acclaimed author of the prose novel Tantalize, as well as Eternal, a New York Times and Publishers Weekly bestseller, and Blessed, all set in the same fictional universe. She says of Tantalize Kieren’s Story: “An unjust accusation. A true love in peril. It’s enough to make you howl.” A member of the Vermont College of Fine Arts faculty in writing for children and young adults, she lives in Austin, Texas.
about the illustrator
Ming Doyle was born in Boston to an Irish-American sailor and a Chinese-Canadian librarian. She earned her BFA from Cornell University with a dual concentration in painting and drawing. She has since depicted the exploit of zombie superheroes, demonic cheerleaders, vengeful cowboys, and dapper mutants. Tantalize is her first full-length graphic novel—and marks her first encounter with a wereopossum.
Cynsational Notes
This Howling Great Giveaway is the second in a week-long series of posts, celebrating the release of Tantalize: Kieren’s Story (Candlewick, 2011) after which we’ll return to our regularly scheduled programming.
Teens are now invited to vote for YALSA’s Teens Top Ten List! Vote here, and see the annotated list. Note: Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith (Candlewick, 2011) is among the 25 titles nominated for YALSA’s Teens’ Top Ten!
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Click for audio excerpt. |
Love it!! Would love to win. 🙂 elizabeth at dulemba dot com. 🙂
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I've been dying to read Kieren's Story!
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+1 tweet about giveaway
OMG this is a mega giveaway! I absolutely need an armadillo puppet!
Congrats, Cyn and Ming!
I need me a stuffed armadillo to replace the image of the poor one I saw on the road last week.
1. retweeted
2. facebook post
3. and will blog on my Friday wrap up!
Enjoy the new readers discovering you in the GN format!
My nephew will LOVE this book! (But I get the finger puppets!)I've made my best effort:
*Tweet @Teachrgail #khowls
*Follow on Twitter
*Liked author pg on FB
*Follower of Cynsations blog
Got my fingers crossed!
kidlitgail at gmail dot com
Wow, that armadillo is DIVINE. I haven't even seen one like that before! (Of course, the wee wolfie is pretty cute, as well. Aww. A cub!)
I have followed you on twitter and RT'ed your contest post under @ShelfCandy, as well as liking your facebook page, and, of course, here I am with my comment.
What a wonderful giveaway you have going on!
notestoalice at hotmail dot com
What a great giveaway. I'd love to win it!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Jovial_1/status/106018435015770112
I follow you on Twitter as Jovial_1
I LIKED you on Facebook as Viki Sloboda
vsloboda at gmail dot com
Absolutely would love to win!
All of the things included would go great with my bedroom decor! Haha.
xxjesselynncxx at hotmail dot com
I would totally love to win!!! galvezton1983@gmail.com
Librarians would love these finger puppets for storytime! My son, too.
I added a link on my facebook wall.
carmeno29 at earthlink dot net
Soooo excited for all your wonderful news, Cyn.
Throwing my name in for the drawing. What great loot you're giving away. You had me at TANTALIZE and finger puppets.
posting on Facebook and will add to my blog.
Emily at emilylaraby at ymail dot com
Love your books and would love to win! My email is natasha06n at yahoo dot com.
-Like on Facebook
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-Facebook post
Thank you 🙂
This is such a really cool giveaway!!!!! =)
I shared it on my Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/just.val.1974
I liked the Cynthia Leitich Smith facebook author page. I'm also following this blog.
Valerie Long
just.val.1974 at gmail dot com
Awesome. I have yet to read Blessed, I admit it. But my birthday is coming up, so, fingers crossed.
I tweeted +1: http://twitter.com/#!/Tayte5
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Subscribed to Cynsations a long time ago. +1
I am following you on LiveJournal thing, but I log in with my Facebook. I don't know if that counts or not. if not, oh well. I got plenty of entries.
Now is following Cynsations by email
And that's it.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Finger Puppets!! So fun.
I've "liked" your author page, and I've already followed. 🙂
I posted on facebook! and can add link to blog http://www.momaconda.com. Congrats!
I'm in love with this series, so I'd just die to win!
+1 email follower
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
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deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
Milly Little
chibimimili at gmail dot com
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Sorry about not posting links for the followings but Everytime i tried to link back to it, i got directed to your page and I didn't think you wanted multiple links back to you 🙂
Thank you for the great giveaway!
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/artdem83/status/107421639624503296
FB post: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1522821560
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artgiote at gmail dot com
hi.thanks for the giftaway.
xiaomage94 at gmail dot com
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hi.thanks for the giftaway.
xiaomage94 at gmail dot com
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brittany dot gaston13 at yahoo dot com
plus one google+ post
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one tumblr post (I don't use blogger)
It would be fantastic to win!
Would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!
+1-Twitter follower-ferretvamp14
+1-Facebook like
ferretvamp14 at live dot com
Such an awesome giveaway.. no way am I missing out on the chance of winning this!!! 😀
I've tweeted – https://twitter.com/#!/JessicaLLWright/status/108177644822077440
I'm following you on twitter – (Name: @JessicaLLWright)
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Subscribed on youtube (Name: JessNJess1993)
jessicallwright (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you for the amazing giveaway!! Can't wait to see the winners
Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
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+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/ERachaelM/status/108684095806124033
rachaelmccully at yahoo dot com
This looks amazing! You guys are so talented though, so how could it not be?! <3 I'm Elizabeth @ SKATES10@aol.com
Hey there! Can't wait to read this book!
+1: "Liked" your FB page! (FB name is Shannon Curran)
+2: I follow you on Twitter! (Twitter ID shannoncurran)
+3: I'm a GFC follower! (GFC: Emma Curran)
+4: I follow you by e-mail! (galindapink@gmail.com)
+5: I'm subscribed to your Youtube channel! (galindapink)
galindapink at gmail dot com
Totally Awesome! Many thanks!
like facebook page:Kim Cuasay
followed you on twitter: @kimyunalesca
youtube subscriber: morice_chavez
What an awesome prize pack! And best of all is the book from Kieren's pov. I've been wanting that for a long time now. Can't wait to read it. :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
I really really hope to win this prize pack!
+1: I follow you on Twitter! (Twitter ID OBoyledBooks)
+1: I'm a GFC follower! (GFC: Michelle O'Boyle)
OBoyledBooks at gmail dot com
Sign me up Barbara Rivas brivas@houstonisd.org
would love to win this
+1 twitter follower madsheepno1
+1 gfc follower jenny needham
+1 liked fb page jenny needham
tweeted and shared on fbook
Great package! Love your books, and always look forward to the latest.
I want to win this!!!
Jamie at jamie.swick@hotmail.com
I would love to win this!!
Jamie at jamie.swick@hotmail.com
0o0! This giveaway looks super yummy! Thank you~
Twitter follower:
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Wendy V
Wow!! This is super exciting. Thanks Cynthia.
e-mail : claroxide AT yahoo DOT co DOT in
Liked Cynthia Leitich Smith facebook author page as Clarissa Pereira
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Ooh, great giveaway!
bookcrookliza at gmail dot com
+1 follow on twitter (kurlykova)
+1 like on FB (Elizabeth Kurlykova)
prizes are so lovely!! O_O
e-mail address: @
thank you for this amazing giveaway!! *__*
wow !! this is an amazing give away !!
Thank you for this opportunity !
Thanks for the Giveaway!
Terri M
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I love this! I'd have to hide it from my furry friends, though – they'd steal it all!
jenemard at yahoo dot ca
+1 Liked on Facebook as Jennifer Emard
+1 Subscribed to Cynsations at email above
+1 Following on Twitter as @NyxTheBookCat
Thanks so much for the giveaway and for making it international!
Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/natcleary/status/111120478718013440
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Click "like" on the Cynthia Leitich Smith facebook author page lIke as Natalie Cleary
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Friend Cynsations at LiveJournal http://www.livejournal.com/allpics.bml
Subscribe to CynthiaLeitichSmith's channel at YouTube as nat3729
Thanks again, I did everything.
natcleart at gmail dot com
Thank you so much for the chance to win♥
twitter follower: @JanaRathouska
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/JanaRathouska/status/111127984034951171
Thanks for the giveaway!
I already follow you on Twitter. 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win. I just love the books & can't wait to read K's story too. I'm also a Twitter follower!
Very generous thank you.
+1 "like" on the Cynthia Leitich Smith facebook author page: Mary Preston
+1 Follow Cynsations by email
Love the giveaway, thanks for the chance.
+1 'like' on Facebook (Sarah Brown)
+1 following on Twitter (Sezjb)
+1 follow by email
WHAT a giveaway!!! Thank you
+2 twitter and facebook
sophiathewriter at gmail
Looking forward to reading it!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Thank you to everyone who entered! I hugely appreciate your support and enthusiasm!
Please check back Friday for the winner announcement in my weekly roundup.
If you don't win, try again! There will be more giveaways to come on Cynsations!