
Native American Youth Lit Widget: Books for Kids and Teens By Native Authors

A widget celebrating Native American Youth Literature is now available from JacketFlap!

You can see a copy of it and get the code at the JacketFlap Widgets Gallery. Note: the default background is actually a beige color (not white as shown, and so the blue and red are more muted).

About the Widget

This widget highlights children’s and young adult books by Native American authors and illustrators.

While many books about American Indians are published every year, Native youth literature creators are among the most underrepresented groups in publishing today. However, those who have found success shine among its brightest stars–people like Sherman Alexie, Joseph Bruchac, Joy Harjo, Louise Erdrich, Richard Van Camp, and Tim Tingle.

Please spread the word about this widget and consider including it among your blog features.

Special Thanks

Thank you, Debbie Reese (Nambe Pueblo)! Debbie compiled the list of books to highlight. Debbie teaches at the American Indian Studies program at the University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign, and her blog is American Indians in Children’s Literature.

Thank you, Don Tate! Don designed the logo for the widget. He is a children’s book author-ilustrator and one of the co-founders of The Brown Bookshelf: United in Story. Don’s involvement in the creation of the widget is especially appropriate because the whole idea was inspired by the efforts of the Brown Bookshelf, which in turn was inspired by readergirlz. Don’s blog is Devas T. Rants and Raves!

And thank you, Tracy Grand! Tracy did the coding for the widget and is making it available via JacketFlap. Tracy is the CEO of JacketFlap, “a comprehensive resource for information on the children’s book industry. Thousands of published authors, illustrators, librarians, agents, editors, publicists, and publishers visit JacketFlap every day.” Don’t miss the JacketFlap Widgets Gallery!