Guest Post: Nora Shalaway Carpenter & Challenging the Rural Stereotype

By Nora Shalaway Carpenter

Recently I chatted with Nasugraq Rainey Hopson, Tirzah Price, Rob Costello, and Monica Roe, four of Rural Voices’ (Candlewick, 2020) talented contributors. Here’s what they said about rural stories, stereotypes, and the representation of rural life in literature.

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Guest Post: Crisis Playbook from the Team at Raven Quill Literary Agency

By Jacqui Lipton and the RQLA Team

The pandemic has hit us all in different ways, but one comment that’s been made a lot lately is how nothing much should change for authors because so much of what we do is solitary.

Sure, there are questions about how the pandemic will affect the publishing industry generally,

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