Author & Agent Interview: Meredith Davis & Alyssa Eisner Henkin on Timing, Trends, the Market & Writing From the Heart

Cynsations is celebrating its 20th anniversary by switching to a quarterly publishing schedule, featuring in-depth interviews and articles. Thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm!

By Gayleen Rabakukk

I’m beyond excited to welcome my writing buddy and Vermont College classmate, Meredith Davis back to Cynsations, along with her agent,

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Guest Interview: Meredith Davis Talks with Carolyn Leiloglou about Writing a Middle Grade Series & Marketing Strategies

By Meredith Davis

Carolyn, I was so excited to meet you since we’re both publishing with Waterbrook (an imprint of Penguin Random House). I’m thrilled about your recent release, Beneath the Swirling Sky! Can you give readers a brief synopsis?

Sure! Beneath the Swirling Sky (WaterBrook, 2023) is the story of twelve-year old Vincent,

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In Memory: Betty X Davis

By Lindsey Lane

On January 5, 2022, Betty X Davis vacated her seat at the front row of our BookPeople launches. At one hundred and six years old, still quoting Shakespeare at length and spouting snippets of French, it seemed like she might live forever. But alas, she slipped away, quietly, as one does when they’ve been to an excellent party,

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Author Interview: Bethany Hegedus on Crafting Picture Book Biographies With Heart

By Gayleen Rabakukk

Bethany Hegedus is an award-winning writer and a tireless champion of encouraging others to push beyond their fear and obstacles. I’m very excited to share Bethany’s insight on tackling tough subjects and writing from the heart with Cynsations readers!

Her newest book, Rise: From Caged Bird to Poet of the People,

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New Voices: Meredith Davis & Nicole Valentine On Being An Author

By Gayleen Rabakukk

I’m thrilled to introduce two debut authors to the Cynsations audience today. I met both at Vermont College of Fine Arts several years ago while we were all working on MFAs in Writing for Children and Young Adults. Both write middle grade, but their books are very different, illustrating the depth and diversity that exists in children’s literature.

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Profiles of Persistence: Lisa Bierman, Meredith Davis, and Jill Donaldson on Committing Long-Term to Children’s Writing

Profiles of Persistence: Lisa Bierman, Meredith Davis, and Jill Donaldson on Committing Long-Term to Children’s Writing

By Carol Coven Grannick

Part One: The Writer’s Heart

Many hard-working, committed, persistent, and resilient writers forge ahead with their writing journeys in spite of obstacles, disappointments, “almost-there” moments and plenty of what I call “Beautiful, buts.”

This two-part interview explores the experience of being a long-time, determined writer who has not yet had a book published.

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