
Video: Linda Sue Park on “Can a Children’s Book Change the World?”

“Can books help make readers better human beings?

“[Children’s author] Linda Sue Park talks about how books provide practice at responding to the unfairness in life, and how empathy for a book’s characters can lead to engagement in ways that have significant impact in the real world.

“Linda Sue Park is the author of many books for young readers, including A Single Shard (Clarion, 2001), winner of the 2002 Newbery Medal, and A Long Walk to Water (Clarion, 2010), on the New York Times bestseller list for more than two years. She has traveled to 46 states and 16 countries to talk to audiences of all ages about books, reading, and writing.”

One thought on “Video: Linda Sue Park on “Can a Children’s Book Change the World?”

  1. Thanks for sharing this Ted Talk by Linda Sue Park. It had not come across my radar, and what an inspiring talk about the power of a book to produce empathy that leads to action. I charge ahead on my revisions with a greater sense of purpose and resolve!

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