
Little of This, Little of That

Greg took me to lunch at Houston’s to celebrate my mail. Usually avoid chains, but something about the brick and fire reminds me of Chicago. Have begun working on a massive rennovation of my site; going for a more sophisticated, user-friendly design. Lisa had the most intriguing idea about definition through color. Have rediscovered the “Footloose” sound track. Contemplating the author’s note on my WIP. It’s either irrelevant or crucial. Possibly a decision best left to the editor. Got “Freaks & Geeks” via Netflix.

The first time I wrote something on my own with the idea of sending it out to the world in general was in fourth or fifth grade, a collection of very bad (sometimes rhyming, sometimes not) poems. I got a white participation ribbon at my school district’s fair. I’ve mentioned that in speeches and acknowledged that the participating was the important thing, but the truth is that the white ribbon made me feel lousy and I haven’t really written poetry since.