
Home, Sweet Home

I’ve returned from the 2005 summer residency at the Vermont College MFA program in Writing for Children and Young Adults. I had a wonderful experience and look forward to working with my five students over the course of the fall semester. At the moment, though, I’m also nursing a sore throat and trying to rapidly catch up on my to-dos (see below) after the extended absence from home.

My husband, author Greg Leitich Smith, is off this morning to Barnes and Noble Round Rock to autograph posters in conjunction with his being featured as the Barnes and Noble Austin Author of the Month for August. He’ll also be signing at the store August 27. Please mark your calendars! Greg‘s books include Ninjas, Piranhas, and Galileo (Little Brown, 2003, paperback, 2005) and Tofu and T. rex (Little Brown, July 2005).

Cynsational News & Links

Thanks again to the lovely and serene Tanya Lee Stone for her hospitality in Burlington. Tanya is the author of numerous books, including the soon-to-be-megahit, A Bad Boy Can Be Good For A Girl (Wendy Lamb Books, 2006).

Author Annette Simon has moved from Austin, Texas; to Ponte Verda Beach, Florida. Annette is the illustrator of This Book Is For All Kids, Especially Libby. Libby Died. by Jack Simon (Idea University Press, 2000). She also is the author of Mocking Birdies (Simply Read Books, 2005), a first-rate choice for PreK readers.

Micky Jones writes to recommend Silver Shoes by Caroline Binch (DK, 2001) to readers with a particular interest in interracial family themes in children’s literature.

Vermont College MFA student Christopher Maselli’s Web site reflects his belief in “using pop culture to reach today’s kids with the Truth of God’s Word.” Read his blog, biography, e-interview, and more. Chris lives in Fort Worth, Texas.

This month’s featured book at Carol Otis Hurts’ Children’s Literature Site is The Breaker Boys by Pat Hughes (FSG, 2004).

I just wrote to send my review snail addy to author and funnyman David Lubar, who’s sending me a copy of his latest, Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie (Dutton, 2005). FYI, it’s CLSCLR PO Box 3255 Austin, TX 78764.

On a query from Oyate, I recommended Tim Tingle, storyteller and author of Walking The Choctaw Road (Cinco Puntos, 2003), to a Houston high school seeking a speaker for November’s Native American Heritage Month.

My Web site will be one of those participating in the Secrets of Spence sweepstakes promotion for the fabulous Libba Bray‘s latest novel, Rebel Angels (Delacorte, August 2005). It will take place next month.

More news to come! But first I must turn to my snail mail. Looks like I have a lot to catch up on. But first, my alpha gray tabby, Mercury Boo, is insisting on my full attention.