
The Student Author Book Publishing Program

From Debbie Gonzales

The Student Author Book Publishing Program, presented by author/educator Debbie Gonzales, is a unique, program-specific, in-school writing workshop in which students experience all stages of the publishing process and have their work published in a hard-bound book, just like a real author.

Here’s how it works. Debbie partners with teachers to decide upon the nature of the publication. Teachers have the flexibility to develop the genre focus, integrate the book project into a specific curriculum unit, or inspire students to brainstorm the theme of the class book.

At the onset of the project, Debbie comes to campus to present an age-appropriate, genre-specific Writer’s Workshop.

Over a period of time, the students’ best writing samples and illustrations are collected and submitted to Debbie by the teacher.

Debbie then returns to campus for a scheduled One-On-One Manuscript Review with each of the student authors.

After final edits are made, illustrations are perfected, proofs are signed off, and the publication date is determined the manuscript is submitted to a real publisher.

Once the books are printed, students celebrate their accomplishment by participating in a Book Launch. Family and friends are encouraged to attend this grand event as the young authors read from their published work.

To schedule a consultation or request an informational brochure, email Debbie at or phone her at 512.416.6050.

Cynsational Notes

Read an author interview with Debbie Gonzales.