
Visit with Cynthia Leitich Smith Today at Book Roast; Enter to Win a Copy of Eternal

Visit with me about Eternal (Candlewick, 2009) online today at Book Roast. I’d love to hear your questions and thoughts (post to the comments section). You’ll also have the chance to answer a silly question and win a signed copy of the novel!

Cynsational Notes

Cynthia and Greg Leitich Smith will be on a panel about “First Drafts” at the February monthly meeting of the Writers’ League of Texas at 7:30 p.m. today at the League office in Austin (611 S. Congress Avenue). Peek: “Sometimes getting that first draft down is the biggest hurdle to bringing a great idea to literary life. Find out how several authors approach the first draft.” Note: “Before the program, join us at Doc’s Motorworks Bar & Grill, 1123 S. Congress (two blocks south of the WLT office for a ‘Mix and Mingle Happy Hour.'”