
Some Writers Deserve to Starve! by Elaura Niles

Some Writers Deserve to Starve! 31 Brutal Truths About the Publishing Industry by Elaura Niles (Writer’s Digest, 2005). Funny, thoughtful, conversational, this hip, small volume is jam-packed with street smarts. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

My Thoughts

Elara Niles has a sharp, clever voice. Reading this book is like a laugh-out-loud lunch with someone in the know.

Particularly noteworthy are: Truth #10 Sometimes the Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow Doesn’t Hold Much Gold; Truth #20 Some Writers Get Desperate; Truth #24 Writers Get Bitter; and Truth #30 The Writing is Never Done.

I also was amused by “My Flaming Baptisms” (pg. 1920), in reference to saying something truly idiotic because you’re nervous, tired, or out of your element. Number of phenomenally stupid things I said last weekend: 4; number of them I said to my new editor: 3.

That said, the focus is more on the adult than children’s/YA market. A few points in it, therefore, don’t apply to us.

For example, Truth #12, Writers Rarely Help Each Other. We help each other all the time! I couldn’t begin to list all the writers who’ve read my work, encouraged me, and offered advice. I pay it forward (and back) whenever I can.

Cynsational News & Links

Rainbow Road by Alex Sanchez (Simon & Schuster, 2005)(read an excerpt) was mentioned in the cover story of the October 10, 2005 issue of Time magazine, “The Battle Over Gay Teens.” Read my recent update interview with Alex Sanchez.