
Looking For Uncle Louie On The Fourth Of July by Kathy Whitehead, illustrated by Pablo Torrecilla

Looking For Uncle Louie On The Fourth Of July by Kathy Whitehead, illustrated by Pablo Torrecilla (Boyds Mills Press, 2005). Joe and his parents are among those at the parade celebrating the Fourth of July. It’s a wonderful, patriotic celebration, but where is Uncle Louie? And what would it be like to be part of the parade instead of just watching from the sidelines? Whitehead’s tribute to Independence Day has a strong Texas twist, brought to life in Torrecilla’s vivid illustrations. Ages 4-up.

My Thoughts

I’ve known Kathy for years through the Texas children’s writing community. As former Regional Advisor for Brazos Valley SCBWI, she’s more than done her part to foster the current crop of new authors. I’m so excited to hold her first book and look forward to the upcoming second one, Art From The Heart (G.P. Putnam). Congratulations, Kathy!

Cynsational News & Links

Thanks to illustrator Janee Trasler for the purrfect kitty mug and T-shirt!

“Rethinking Rejections” by Lisa Lawmaster Hess from the Institute of Children’s Literature.

Vivian Vande Velde Photo Albums: take a virtual peek at the Central Missouri State University Children’s Literature Festival March 6 to 8, 2005.