A Brief History of Young Adult Literature by Ashley Strickland from CNN. PEEK: “The roots of young adult go back to when ‘teenagers’ were given their own distinction as a social demographic: World War II. SEVENTEENTH SUMMER, released by Maureen Daly in 1942, is considered to be the first book written and published explicitly for teenagers…”
How Did YA Become YA? by Anne Rouyer from The New York Public Library. PEEK: “…we have to start at the beginning and it all starts with a young, passionate, pioneering children’s librarian named Anne Carroll Moore.”
Young Adult Literature from PBS News Hour.
ALAN: The Assembly on Literature for Adolescents: “a special interest group of the National Council of Teachers of English.”
Young Adult Library Services Association of the American Library Association. Features Teen Read Week, information about the association, professional resources, book lists, awards and special projects, conferences and events.
Using Young Adult Problem Fiction and Nonfiction To Produce Critical Readers by Joan Kaywell, a member of the ALAN Board of Directors and the editor of Adolescent Literature as a Complement to the Classics.
The Value of Young Adult Literature by Michael Cart (January 2008) from YALSA. PEEK: “the nature and evolution of young adult literature with particular emphasis on its current condition and its value to its intended readership. In discussing its increased viability as a body of critically lauded literature, it will also discuss its importance in meeting the life needs of young adults and its increasing value in enhancing adolescent literacy.”
Why My Books Are Really 12-up from Alex Flinn.
Writing For Young Adults Versus Adults by Laura Ruby from Cynsations.
Adventures in YA Publishing: “Young Adult Fiction, YA Book Giveaways, Advice from Young Adult Authors, Plus Writing Tips, Publishing Information, and Insider Tidbits.”
The Ultimate Guide to YA Short Stories by Your Favorite YA Authors by Kelly Jensen from Book Riot. PEEK: “Welcome to the ultimate guide to YA short stories by your favorite authors….This is meant to help you seek out stories by your favorite authors, with a guide to the books in which they appear….It’s my hope to keep this list active and updated annually, as more anthologies publish…more YA writers….”
Young Adult (and Kids!) Book Central: “news, updates, giveaways and other goodies.”